I rebel against this false pandemic
against its infectious masks
against its “stay at home” orders
As life passes, it fades away,
disappears, while famines
lurk around the corner
I refuse to be part of the masked pack,
I refuse to live dead from fear
Seing rigged numbers of sick and dead
every morning, every afternoon,
every day, every nightmare,
I refuse to be a slave, a vassal,
A possession of a corrupt state
that even controls the hour
when dogs pee on the corner
I declare myself in permanent rebellion
against all decrees
that tell us how or not to breathe
how far to walk from each other
that forbid us from kissing, hugging, loving
from visiting my grandmother Rosaura
or uncle Alberto,
that is, it cuts us off at the roots
of EVERYTHING that makes us human
I refuse to accept any vaccine,
I am not pig, or sheep, or cow
for the owner of this rotten farm to
decide for me
what will circulate through my veins
I declare myself in constant, perpetual rebellion against this false pandemic and its henchmen;
presidents, congressmen, governors, mayors
and other inhuman and corrupt beings
that under the pretext of a virus
have ruined lives, economies,
places of laughter, of recreation, of prayer,
turning life into a big prison camp
where we are no longer citizens
but prisoners.
I declare myself in rebellion
I do not follow orders that go
against Human Rights
I do not follow decrees
Written by the ignorant and inept who wouldn’t know the difference between a virus
and a bicycle wheel.
No state has the right
to say that it watches over my health
when it is killing me every day
from hunger, from malnutrition,
from its corruption that steals
children’s money,
while it drowns us in pollution,
while they don’t give us a living wage,
while it murders social leaders
every other day or every day,
and they say they want to protect us with a vaccine
a mixture of viruses and poisons.
I reject all policies
from this corrupt state
to lock us up,
to demean us
to terrify us
and finally, if we don’t rebel,
To exterminate us!